As a public body within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2016/2102, we endeavor to make our websites and mobile applications accessible in accordance with the provisions of the Hessen Disability Equality Act (HessBGG) and the Hessian Regulation on Accessible Information Technology (HVBIT) for implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102.
Preparation date for the accessibility statement
This statement was prepared on 01.12.2024
Compatibility with accessibility requirements
The accessibility requirements are set out in section 3(1) to (4) and section 4 of the HVBIT, which was issued on the basis of section 14 of the HessBGG.
This page is currently being revised to ensure that it complies with accessibility requirements in an appropriate and reasonable manner.
Incompatibility with the HVBIT
Currently, the content listed below is incompatible with section 3(1) of the HVBIT and is not accessible:
Some of the graphics have no or no meaningful alternative text or labelling.
Areas such as alternative texts for the graphics are an ongoing process, especially as regards the revision of existing pages.
Disproportionate burden
Currently, the following sections are not designed to be barrier-free, since this would constitute a disproportionate burden in accordance with section 3(5) of the HVBIT:
The keyboard focus is almost always invisible.
Moving content cannot be paused by the user.
Error messages triggered by incorrect entries in forms are not output by screen readers.
Provision of all documents as accessible PDFs under Publications. It is not possible for economic reasons to adapt all documents contained in this section.
Comments and questions on digital accessibility
Would you like to inform us of existing barriers or request information on how we are implementing accessibility? Please complete the “Report barrier” form below to provide feedback and obtain other information.
To the “Report barrier” form.
Enforcement and Monitoring Centre for Accessible Information Technology
If no satisfactory solution is found after you have provided the contact above with feedback, you can contact Hessen’s Enforcement and Monitoring Centre for Accessible Information Technology. You have the right to contact this body directly after a period of six weeks. The ombudsman's office will then endeavor, with the involvement of everyone concerned, to determine the facts regarding the lack of accessibility so that the provider can rectify them.
Enforcement and Monitoring Centre for Accessible Information Technology
Hessen Ministry for Social Affairs and Integration