Hessen invests 10 million euro in AI innovation lab
The state of Hessen dedicates 10 million euro to establishing an AI innovation laboratory at the Hessen Center for Artificial Intelligence, hessian.AI.
The lab´s AI computing infrastructure will be located at the Green IT-Cube of the GSI Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research in Darmstadt - one of the world’s most sustainable computing infrastructures in terms of energy consumption. Hessian.AI is supported by 13 Hessen-based universities under the leadership of the Technical University of Darmstadt.
The planned AI innovation lab will be a unique institution in Germany and significantly strengthen the role of Hessen as a global hot spot for AI research, development and application. The laboratory will boost the expansion of the Hessian AI ecosystem and provide a platform for breakthrough innovations.
The AI innovation laboratory is scheduled to open its doors in autumn 2022. It will serve as a hub for companies of various sizes and industries, scientists as well as start-ups and provide access to an AI supercomputer infrastructure and comprehensive AI expertise. In the future, AI systems and applications can be developed, trained, tested and evaluated here.