Australia-based CSL sets up R&D campus in Marburg
The new R&D center is the largest research facility of the healthcare company worldwide. This recent investment strengthens the region's role as an international biotech powerhouse.

After three years of construction, world-leading biotech company CSL has opened an extensive new research and develop centre in the Görzhausen industrial park in Marburg in central Hessen. At 40,000 sqm, it offers space for up to 500 staff and is the company’s largest R&D facility globally. Featuring the latest energy technology, including ice storage and heat pumps, it meets the highest German conservation standards.
A total of 800 sqm of lab space in the new facility has been earmarked for collaborative use by biotech start-ups. The CSL facility further benefits from its strategic location close to leading area universities, institutes and biomedical facilities. As Hessen’s Minister of Science and Culture, Angela Dorn-Rancke, noted, “The new research centre will create the ideal environment for cutting-edge research, opening up possibilities for collaboration with regional universities and non-university research institutions.” This aligns with the intention of the state government to promote high-end research in Hessen, and together with business and society make Hessen’s universities the leading research institutions for qualified specialists.
CSL Behring already operates an industry-leading production site in Marburg. The new facility further anchors CSL’s deep roots in the region. Paul Perreault, CEO und Managing Director of CSL, said, “The new complex was built to the strictest sustainability criteria, and will make Marburg, Central Hessen and Hessen a beacon of biotechnology far beyond the borders of the state and the country.” According to Bill Mezzanotte, Head of R&D and Chief Medical Officer of CSL, “We hope that it will drive the development of the Marburg region to a centre of innovation recognized the world over.”