
In the heart of Europe, in the center of Germany

Hessen offers consistently fast, reliable connections for when something has to be in a certain place at a certain time. Its strong catchment area is a source market, hub, and destination in one for people, raw materials, products, and data. Hessen's heart beats just in time.

Precisely managed, intelligent networking of different transport modes – including high-speed rail networks, freeways, inland ports, and the Frankfurt Airport air traffic hub – offers time savings, tightly synchronized schedules, late cut-off times, and maximum reliability.

All European economic centers can be reached within three hours' flying time. Hessen's leading-edge infrastructure is developed continuously as needed, protecting the environment and cutting costs. High-performance broadband networks and fast internet connections are a decisive factor in the national and international competition for locations, and an indispensable infrastructure component for both private citizens and businesses.

All European business centers within a 3 hour flying radius

Access to the German and European market

People from 190 nations live and work in Hessen

Frankfurt ranks 4th in Europe in the “Overall real estate prospects” index by PwC

As a leading financial center, international transporthub, global expo and trading site, and a location for innovation, technology, education, culture and science, Frankfurt am Main and the Greater Frankfurt Area attract businesses of every size and from every sector. This is the home of domestic and international market leaders. From here, many business headquarters tap into new markets and reach their existing customers. Throughout Germany. Throughout Europe. Worldwide.

Many companies in the optics, metal, electrical, pharmaceutical and medical industries have settled in Central Hessen, approx. one hour from Frankfurt Airport. This region stands out thanks to its unique education infrastructure.

In Northen Hessen, approx. 1.5 hours away from the city of Frankfurt, international investors encounter innovative global market leaders from the mobility, decentralised-energy and health sectors. Did you know that North Hessen - with the “documenta city” Kassel - is among Europe's top 10 most innovative regions?

Your consultants

Do you have any questions about Hessen as a business location?
Please contact us!

Dr. David Eckensberger

Dr. David Eckensberger

Head of Department International Affairs

+49 611 95017 8326

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Jonas Winkler

Jonas Winkler

Director Location Marketing & Investor Services

+49 611 95017 8641

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Andreas Damrau

Andreas Damrau

Director Investor Services | RCEP Area

+49 611 95017 8346

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