One of the largest production plants for of bio-liquefied natural gas is being built in the Eastern Hessian town of Burghaun
The facility will be built on a 12,500 square meter commercial site that the municipality sold to Reefuelery GmbH earlier this year.

The facility will be built on a 12,500 square meter commercial site that the municipality sold to Reefuelery GmbH earlier this year. The Finnish technology group Wärtsilä was commissioned with its construction.
From the first quarter of 2024, around 63,000 tons of liquefied biomethane from municipal and agricultural waste are planned to be converted into climate-neutral fuel every year.
For this project, three companies have pooled their expertise in the: Alternoil GmbH as a filling station operator, Erdgas Südwest GmbH as an energy service provider, and the Erdgas Südwest subsidiary bmp greengas GmbH as Europe's leading biomethane marketer.
The consortium partners point out, Burghaun was selected as the location due to its central location, the optimal connection to the Alternoil filling station network and the direct access to MIDAL (Central Germany gas pipeline).
After completion of the plant, 180 tons of bio-LNG can be produced per day. The finished bio-LNG product is delivered to the Alternoil filling stations in tank containers. The underlying logistics concept as a combination of road and rail transport allows to save further amounts of CO2 in the distribution of the climate-neutral fuel.
With the quantities produced, up to 4,500 heavy-duty vehicles can be operated in a climate-neutral way, saving up to 550,000 tons of carbon dioxide per year compared to diesel. In this regard, the bio-LNG production facility in Burghaun is contributing to the decarbonization of heavy-duty traffic and to a greater energy independency in Germany.